If you own a small business or a grocery or a retail shop, you will already know the importance of a good and efficient cash drawer. Cash drawers are an integral part of every shop because they efficiently store your cash and protect it during times of emergency, if there is any. Now, cash drawers over time have evolved along with science and energy and today, whatever may be your budget, you will get a plethora of good cash drawers in both online and offline markets. If you are looking forward to investing in a great cash drawer that will do the job in the long run, here is everything you need to know about the types of cash drawers you can purchase. Manual Cash Drawers If you do not want to deal with the ever-changing technology and have faith in the old system, then manual Cash drawers are just the right kind for you. One has to know how to handle it without the help of any complex technology involved. A simple lock and key with a mechanical push button will do all the work ...
POS Central New Zealand has advertised special receipt printers on which some special discount is offered by them. Posiflex PFPP8000, Citizen CIF2000E, Epson TM U230, Samsung Bixolon are some receipt printers that are offered at a discounted rate.